Principal Message
Journey of GD Goenka Public School, Kashipur with firm determination & Strong vision to serve the society through Education started in 2001. It has completed fifteen years of imparting quality Education in Kumaon region, Uttarakhand. We are deeply conscious of the fact that we have the future of India growing in our Classrooms. It is the education of mind and body that will ensure that the future is bright. We hope to provide our children an education which is Global in its perspective and Indian in its Culture and values.
Education is continuous and creative process. Its aim is to develop the capacities latent in human nature and to co-ordinate their expression for the enrichment and progress of society by equipping children with spiritual, moral and material knowledge.
True education release capacities, develops analytical abilities,confidence in himself/herself, will power and goal setting competencies and instills the version that will enable him/her to become self-motivated agent of social change serving the best interest of the community.
“Amongst the greatest of all great services that can be possibly rendered by a man toAlmighty God, is the education of children”—is the mission statement of GD Goenka Public School, Kashipur.
The entire team of teachers and other staffs work hand in hand with a missionary zeal to train and groom the scholars in order to make them useful citizen of our motherland and the messenger of world-peace, of which all of us would be proud of!
Gd Goenka Public School, Kashipur has been progressing leaps & bound under the guidance and inspiration of our beloved chairman, Sh.Brijesh Kumar and dynamic M.D. Sh.Neeraj Agrawal.
In the end, I Congratulate the editorial team, students,teachers and parents for publishing the first issue of this newsletter on time. All the best. May God bless you all!
Jai Hind